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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

See How George W. Bushes Damaged America!

Should Jessie Say Anything Else?

I found this posted on the internet several weeks ago...

Jesse Jackson's Letter To Obama
Posted Feb 2nd 2009 10:00AM by Madison J. GrayFiled under: BlackSpin, Barack Obama, Politics, Jesse Jackson
You see?In politics you don't always have to carry your feelings in your hands. Think about it, a few months ago, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition founder Rev. Jesse Jackson got busted when talking about clipping candidate Obama (so to speak). Now, he's welcoming the new president with open posted an open letter to Obama from Jackson that he probably wouldn't have written to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had she become president and wouldn't have even bothered writing to Sen. John McCain.
Dear Mr. President:What a joy and relief it is to be able to salute you as President Obama. Congratulations on a magnificently run campaign. Your discipline, vision, strength and courage will take America and the world a long way. ...
Now that we have made it through the courtship of the primary season, the engagement party in Grant Park on November 4th, and the wedding on January 20th, we're entering into marriage--the final stage, one that is full of challenges.It's high noon in our politics, where hope abounds. But it is midnight in our economics. But we have hope that the darkness will lead to a new light that will shine even brighter. We are in a time of the worst economic crisis of the last half century, and amid expanding wars and conflicts in Iraq, the Middle East and Africa. The two great themes of ending poverty at home and unnecessary wars abroad must dominate our priorities.For the rest of the letter, and Jackson's wishes and requests from the president, click here.
Black NewsBlast

WhiteHouse.gov8 photos

Obama Weekly Address: No More Mr. Nice Guy?President Barack Obama stood by his word. In his first political outreach in support of his $819 billion spending package, he visited Republicans on the Hill to push the proposal. Full Story